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Product Hunt Launching and JavaScript SDK Released

In the last couple of months, we’ve been prepared to launch inLive at Product Hunt to gain more awareness. We don’t want this launch to be just another promotion; we want to provide an easy way for our users to try our service. Check out our Product Hunt launching and don’t forget to vote.

inLive - Build your WebRTC to Dash/HLS with 54% less cost. | Product Hunt

So together with this Product Hunt launching, we also release our JavaScript SDK that can help you develop a WebRTC broadcasting client with a simple code. Check out this YouTube video where Yohan, CTO of inLive, shows you how to create a simple WebRTC to Dash/HLS broadcasting client using CodePen.

With this launch, we also like to hear from you about what we should build next. For that, we invite you to join our GitHub discussion. You can also ask questions or share ideas about what you want to develop with our APIs. We will be happy to hear that and figure out how we can help you.

We want to focus on developing the next feature based on our user requests. For that, we invite you to join our beta user program, and in return, we will provide you with a business plan for free. In this beta user program, for each selected user, we will have in-person discussion through Google Meet to understand your use case more, and we will prioritize our development to support your use case.

We will select the beta user program based on the use case, how to fit it with our product, and how big the existing users of your use case. If you are interested, please fill the form below.

Beta User Program Form

Feel free to ask questions through email, Twitter, or GitHub discussion. Cheers!

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Explore our documentation and SDKs to start integrating inLive API into your projects. Contact us to learn more about our product.